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Thursday 20 November 2014

hunder taker accept islam

congratulation to all muslims

Thanks to the enthusiasm of Muslims who want to feel happy for a moment because a celebrity has accepted Islam, I am sure now that celebrities will avoid getting near a mosque or shaikh because the very next day their photos will be spreading all over the Internet with claims that he or she has accepted Islam.

I heard a few days ago that the WWF wrestler Undertaker has accepted Islam. I searched Google for it and learnt that the same rumor had been spread 2-3 years ago because the same question was asked in 2011 and 2011 on yahoo and wiki answers. If you see the Wikipedia page on Undertaker you will not find a word Muslim or Islam.

Why do we feel so excited with the acceptance of Islam by a celebrity? Why should their be mystery around it? If someone accepts Islam, let him declare it and work for humanity and religion as many celebrities who converted to Islam have done, one of the popular example being of Mohammed Ali. Let's give them a chance to prove their faith by their deeds and their deeds should speak of what they believe in. By spreading rumors like this we scare the celebrities with anything concerning Muslims and they will be even afraid of going to a charity function organized by Muslims because someone can put a skull cap or scarf on their head and circulate the news of their conversion with a proof of a photo.